Personal Development Credits

Personal development credits will be awarded for approved courses or programs of a high school standard that contribute to the Atlantic Essential Graduation Learnings. The Personal Development Credit Policy will acknowledge the value of student learning outside the public school system by recognizing for high school credit, achievements and credentials earned in the community. In order for a Personal Development Credit to be granted, a student must complete and submit the necessary forms and supporting documentation, which can be obtained from Student Services. Personal development credits will be reflected on a student’s high school transcript thereby enhancing the transcript for the student.

  • Personal Development Credits may be granted in grades 10, 11 and 12.
  • Personal Development Credits may be half or full credits.
  • Personal Development Credits will not duplicate the courses or programs that are part of Nova Scotia’s Public School Program.
  • Within the 18 credits a high school student requires for graduation, one elective credit can be a personal development credit.
  • A personal development credit may not be used to fulfill a student’s requirement for the 13 mandatory credits required for graduation.
  • A student may have an unlimited number of personal development credits entered on their transcript, beyond the 18 required for graduation.
  • Students who have earned a personal development credit from an approved provider prior to entering grade 10 may be awarded that credit any time after they enter grade 10.

For a list of approved providers and courses, as well as more information about Personal Development Credits, please visit the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) website:

To add a personal development credit to your school transcript:

  • Check the list of approved courses and providers on the EECD website to see if your course is approved for credit
  • Complete the form: Personal Development Credit - Student Notification Form
  • Attach a copy of your certificate showing you successfully completed the course
  • Completed forms can be submitted to Ms. Densmore in student services or emailed to:  [email protected]

Personal Development Credit - Student Notification Form

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