Financing your Education
A post-secondary education is an excellent investment. Choosing and financing a good program now can mean significantly higher income for a lifetime, along with many other benefits.
Nova Scotia Student Loan
Get Ready - Planning ahead during your graduating year!
Visit site for lots of great information and timelines.
Student Assistance - |
Learn about Grants, Estimate Costs, Loans, Indigenous funding
Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships & Awards
Full and part time studies in college, university, skilled trades, apprenticeships, and technology programs.
There is one application for all of Indspire’s bursaries, scholarships, and awards (with a few exceptions that you’ll see below). You only need to complete the application once to be considered for all applicable bursaries, scholarships, and awards. September 2023 to August 2024 academic year.
Student Aid Canada
Undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships, awards and bursaries.